Faisalabad Grammar School was started by Mrs. Razia Yousaf Saigol (Late) in 1979. In the beginning, classes 3 to 5 were run, and at that time there were only 30 pupils, 3 members of staff, 2 ayas and 1 office boy. The aim was to produce a wide spectrum of subjects for Matric and Cambridge International Examination (CIE) Ordinary Level (O-Level) students who study till class 10. The worthy ex-directress (Mrs. Razia Yousaf Saigol (Late)) was an educationist of repute and had dedicated her life to serve the cause of quality education, for the prosperity of future generations of Pakistan. The thought of dynamism and future actions must be translated into reality.

Ansab Ali – Year 2008 (A’Level)
Four years ago, when I came out of the examination hall after my A level exam from FGS, it was the classic cocktail of elation, jubilation, relief and sadness that I have ever experienced. Little did I know that this would be the end of one of the most amazing periods of my life at this alma mater? I remember coming home that day, my clothes soiled with ink strewn on me during the ensuring festivities (yes, don’t ask……), afraid that my dad would respond in his usual way. However, that day, he said to me, smiling, “Son, today, you are released from the pressure cooker!” I laughed then, but today as I write this; realize that there was truth in his remarks.
Sidrah Latif – Year 2006 (O’Level)
Let me tell you a story of a girl who was a little shy, and who never wanted to come out of the safe cocoon of her home. This girl did not agree to go to school until she was in class two, whereupon she trudged into the environment that was entirely unknown to her, and so began the journey of the girl who was timid and unsure, who was utterly and even obsessively sensitive and different from others. The journey which expedited her towards the destination of success, happiness, and significantly the destination of courage and confidence to face the world, the mantra to overcome fears, the paradigm to conquer to insecurities, all provided to her by her alma mater, FGS. Now this girl is a medical student about to appear in the professional examination of fourth year MBBS and she has a lot to pressure, a lot to analyze and has a lot to say.
Dr. Hamza Sohail – Year 2005 (A’Level)
I am Dr. Hamza Sohail, currently working as post graduate registrar in Surgical Unit IV D.H.Q. Hospital Faisalabad and I am here only because of the knowledge that my respected teachers of FGS had endowed upon me. I passed my O’Levels in 2003 and A’Levels in 2005 from FGS. I passed my MBBS examination from Punjab Medical College with 9 medals and 2 College Certificates; with distinctions in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Behavioral Sciences, General Pathology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, Special Pathology, ENT, Medicine, Pediatric, General Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. I topped all professionals not only in my college, but also got position in University of Health Sciences (all over Punjab) in all the 5 professionals, and was awarded best graduate of year 2005-10. Then I cleared FCPS part 1 in June 2012. I have also been selected as Member of European Society of Percutaneous Cardiac Intervention. I will always be grateful to FGS and to my teachers for my successes in life.
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