Student Councils
- Literary/Debating Club
- Music Club
- Dramatics Club
- Entrepreneurship Club
- Sports Gala Club
- Natural Disaster Relief Society.
- FGS Old Students’ Society (FOSS)
- Cultural Diversity Club
- Festronix Club
- Science Society
- Community Service Society
Code of Conduct
- Students are expected to set a high standard of behaviour, both inside and outside the school premises.
- Use of foul or offensive language is forbidden.
- Students must not deface or damage school property.
- Bullying, aggression or violence, in any form, is considered as gross misconduct, and strict disciplinary action will be taken by the school.
- No weapons, of any type, should be brought into the school by any student.
- Students must attend school regularly and must attend all classes during the school day.
- Students must follow school timings.
- Students should be in proper school uniform, which should be neat and clean at all times.
- Students are not allowed to wear jewellery.
- Students are not permitted to carry mobile phones on the school premises.
- No medication is to be brought into school premises, by any student.
- Students are not allowed to bring any expensive electronic device without prior permission from the Headmaster / Headmistress.
- Attendance in class must never fall below 80% during the academic year.
- If a student is taking leave, a leave application must be sent to the school, signed by the parent/guardian.
- Students suffering from infectious diseases should remain at home, until doctors’ certificate of clear health is available.
- Medical leave must always be presented with a valid medical certificate.
- No student is allowed to leave school during school hours without a written message from the parents/ guardian.
- Any change in residential address or contact numbers must be immediately intimated to school.
- Students must know, obey and respect the school rules.
- Any misconduct, misdemeanor or mala fide action purposely committed against the school rules, to harm the institution, faculty or pupils, will be grounds for
a) Suspension with fineb) Dismissal with no re-entry
Rules for Payment of Fee
Tuition fees are paid via fee challan, which are issued to students. Payment should be made according to the instructions on the back of the challan.
FGS Reserves the right to file for recovery of dues through Civil Court of Law.
School Uniform
For the convenience of parents, selected uniform dealers will be setting up stalls for their shops on site in all campuses of FGS in March/April and August/September of each academic year. Approved uniform shops can also be utilized for purchasing of uniform.
During the year uniforms can be purchased on demand from FGS Bookshop

FGS Shop
All syllabus books, notebooks, stationary and souvenirs are also available at very competitive rates from our FGS Bookshop.
Science and Technology
The Science Societies of FGS campuses aim to gather like-minded people in order to take advantage of this research group to learn, discuss and appreciate scientific advancements and how they affect our world via inquiry and experimentation. We encourage full participation by student members, to earn a reputation for initiative and professional visibility, by taking part in a diverse range of projects and competitions. These competitions range from intra-school and inter-school level competitions to those arranged by the British Council.
From holding yearly Science Fairs to sending students to the University of Faisalabad, Ayyub Agriculture Research Institute, Nuclear Institute for Agricultural Biology (NIAB) and Nuclear Institute of Biology and Genetic Engineering (NIBG), Faisalabad, FGS is passionate in its mission to expose its students to science, the world of possibilities, at a tender young age.
The role science plays in modern life may hardly be overestimated. In medicine, military weapons, energy production, and environmental degradation are only a few of the crucial problems of modern societies involving science. We aim to promote the understanding of science and technology as social factors that are in turn shaped by historical, cultural and social forces. We think that an interdisciplinary approach is essential to understand the role science played in the past and will play in the future.
Web Portal
FGS has developed a bespoke web portal to facilitate the parents, staff and students of FGS. Through this web portal all stakeholders can easily access the following:


Personal Information



Lesson Planning

Notice Board

Community Service
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill
Community service has its roots deeply embedded in the foundation of FGS. The Community Service Society, initiated by Kohinoor City Campus of FGS provides students the opportunity to use their gifts and talents to help those in need and to support local non-profit organizations. Additionally, community service is an integral part of students’ learning experience, contributing to their intellectual, social, and spiritual growth and development as well as providing a framework for students’ roles as members of both local and global communities. Community service helps foster civic responsibility and encourages students’ learning and development through active participation. The Society also provides a means to explore careers, apply course work, fulfill personal goal, and develop meaningful relationships.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
Community service is also being extended to flood and earthquake victims by providing them with goods, tents, seasonal clothes, medicines etc. When and where required, donations are given to the Red Crescent Society.
Community service offers many benefits to the community and the school, while offering an opportunity to celebrate our students’ commitment to social justice and service deepening the roots of their journeys beyond FGS.